Our Team's!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FUTURE HOTTIES!!! You all did great with the biggest percentage weight loss for the week!!!!

And I must congratulate myself for having the most weight loss at 7 lbs....with Heather, Karla and Carrie right on my heals at 6, 6 and 6 1/2!
Everyone did so good. Even 1 pound counts....don't forget that!!!!
Some of comments and observances:
Joyce "I don't know if it is in my head...but I feel like I have more energy. Maybe I am just energized by this. I am very proud of what I accomplished this past week but need to step up my game even more!"
Grandma "I felt motivated this week. I am doing this for my health and the health of others. I don't want to let anyone down. I'm not drinking as much water as I should so I am going to improve in that area."
Lois is walking every day for a mile with Denise.....very proud of them!
Karla (stolen from her blog) " My 100 day challenge is going awesome. I've been doing so well. I'm exercising regularly and have watched my portions and calorie intake while still maintaining a healthy calorie/fat ratio and even (feign your suprise) cut my Diet Coke intake to ONE per week. Can you believe it? I still have 3 Red Bulls a week, but I always have the sugar free kind. Not nearly as good, but drinkable. I came up with an exercise regimen that I not only love, it totally works for me."
Betty has taken to mall walking!!! And she absolutely loves it! She loves to walk and to talk and she gets to meet new people every day! She is having a great time!
Lanny needs to do some adjusting. Because of his work schedules it has been a challenge but we think we have it figured out now. There will be a big change next week!
Karen has her husband doing this with her! How great is that?

Best of luck this week!

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